Halo Australia – MCC Online Series


Halo Australia is proud to announce the MCC Online Series, a collection of tournaments in all games within Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Xbox & PC. We’ve partnered with Divine Mind and Tournamatch to bring the ANZ community high quality tournaments and content leading up to Infinite.

The series will run until Infinite releases in holiday 2021, with a variety of prizes depending on each tournament and the number of entrants. We look forward to this upcoming series and working with our partners to deliver tournaments leading up to Halo Infinite.


August 2nd, Halo 3* (2v2)
August 16th, Halo 3* (4v4)
November 29th – H3 Draft Tournament

February 7th – H3 Draft Tournament #2
May 2nd – H3 Draft Tournament #3
September 5th – H3 Duo Draft Tournament
November 21st – Halo 3 Send-Off

Can I play on xbox?
Tournaments are open to both PC & Xbox.

Who can enter?
Tournaments are open to players over 13 from Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

Can I play with Keyboard & Mouse?
Both KBM & controller inputs are supported.

We recommend joining our community discord and Facebook forums to stay up to date with further announcements!

How to use Tournamatch

Detailed tournament information will be posted on our website under the “Tournaments and Ladders” tab. However before you can sign up, you’ll need to create an account. Creating an account is free and only takes a few seconds!

Once you have created an account, visit the Dashboard to create teams, view other players profiles and invite players to join your team.

Each tournament in the MCC series will have an announcement page (as shown above) please read those before signing up.